
3 things on your CV!

Wow! Nowadays, I can get hundreds of profiles quickly via LinkedIn or Naukri or some other JOB portals. How am I going to choose the right one from hundreds or thousands of Profiles?

Things which makes your CV Shortlisted at first sight

“I would like to fill a specific position with a specific range of years of experience in a specific domain & skill Set!” — Recruiter

1. What is the first thing that the recruiter looking for in your CV?

They are looking for a job position. So always mention it in the Profile Summary. A profile summary should be the topmost information in your CV.

E.g., Design Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Team Leader — Web Developer, or others

2. Overall years of experience in the Profile Summary:

Usually, recruiters mention the years of experience needed in the Job Description (JD). Here ten years of experience are highlighted in the Profile summary. It is the second thing that the recruiter check-in your resume

Consider it if the overall year not mentioned in your profile summary, and you have ten years of experience in 5 different companies. It will do additional work to the recruiter to calculate the total years of experience.

Maybe you can ask that, “Is it challenging work to calculate the overall years of experience in my profile to the recruiter?”

YES, It is!

How can they do this for hundreds of profiles? Most of them we are receiving without mentioning the overall years of experience in Profile Summary. So please add your overall experience in the Profile summary and give some smiles to the recruiter.

What is the effect of Job domain and skillset visibility in your CV?

The next and essential thing needed for the recruiter is your domain & skill set. Always make your skills and domain visible at the top of the CV. When a non-technical HR person processes your resume, they will verify your skills section for matching skills given by technical recruiters. What if you put that information in some wordy paragraphs? As I said, they have hundreds or thousands of CVs already. So you cannot expect their patients to read your CV thoroughly.

These are the three essential things needed in the resume.

I am not telling you that projects and other things are not useful. Those are proceeding under the 2nd stage of screening by technical recruiters. Most of the resumes were eliminated in the first stage of screening itself. For the second stage, at least you will get a telephone call for the confirmation.

If you are applying for the JOBS and you feel not getting any interview calls, then you need to make some corrections to your CV. Please read the JOB description, update your resume based on the JD, and apply to that job. Surely you will get an interview call.

– theparthee

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